“Santa Gourdy, hurry down the chimney tonight…”
CAIC social media director Pam Foulke loves to get into the holiday spirit by crafting her own decorations from local produce (see, for example, the terrifying pumpkin monster that she made for Halloween). And with Christmas quickly approaching, she was searching for the perfect use for a gourd that she’d picked up at Greensboro-based Quarter Acre Farm—also home of the tomato gleaning that she participated in back in September—toward the end of the fall growing season.

With some festively colored acrylic paint, Pam took advantage of the gourd’s natural hat-like shape and transformed it into a holiday ornament, which she dubbed “Santa Gourdy.”

As you can see, Santa Gourdy made a perfect locally flavored addition to her Christmas tree.

Follow the steps in the video below to make your own Santa Gourdy ornament—fun fact, it’s a value-added product! And make sure to follow CAIC on social media for more holiday fun.
What you’ll need:
- A gourd
- Acrylic paint (either medium or heavy works)
- A set of paintbrushes
- A plate for mixing paints